Dec 2, 2022 | Acceptance, Being Real, Change, Choices, Core Needs, Courage, Friendship, Healing Work, Male Bonding, Marriage, Possible Causes, Self-identity, Self-worth, Spirituality
By Rich Wyler, Brothers Road Recently, pop singer and former missionary David Archuleta gave national media interviews in which he embraced a gay or queer identity and said he was stepping away from religion because he couldn’t reconcile his religion with his...
May 8, 2019 | Body Image, Friendship
Guest Blog by Stephen Done — I began my journey with facing same-sex attraction head-on with the assumption that nothing could change. I was so convinced at one point that no change was possible that I ranted to my wife about how I was so frustrated that my dad...
Feb 12, 2019 | Acceptance, Assertiveness, Core Needs, Friendship, Journey Into Manhood, Male Bonding, Self-worth
Guest Blog by Stephen Done — “I am good and valuable just as I am.” “I have brothers who see my shadows and accept me just as I am.” These two truths are taught to every man who attends Journey into Manhood (JiM), a weekend retreat sponsored by Brothers on a Road...
Dec 22, 2018 | Bullying, Friendship, Male Bonding, Marriage, Possible Causes, Spirituality
Guest Blog by Stephen Done — It is a common misconception that people who experience same-sex attraction cannot find happiness without having a same-sex partner. But through my own experiences and observations of other people in similar situations, I know that...