Who We Are
Men supporting each other in aligning our sexual choices with our values, faith, and life goals.
Why Would a Straight(ish) Husband Look at Gay Porn?
March 2025, Southern Arizona, USA
Change What? Husband Material founder interviews Brothers Road founder 
Statement on So-Called “Conversion Therapy” 
Our Road Less Traveled
Many people painfully deny, suppress, and hide their same-sex attractions for years. Others adopt a gay identity and pursue same-sex partnerships or hook-ups. Some find satisfaction in that, others only more turmoil.
Brothers Road offers a third path: neither suppressing and shaming nor indulging and celebrating same-sex attractions — but instead, exploring and fulfilling our needs for same-sex affection, community and brotherhood in platonic and affirming ways that align with our faith and values.
Good & Valuable, Just as You Are
Our Life, Our Choice
It's Not About Turning Straight
Can Sexual Attractions Ever Shift?
We Respect Equal Rights
A Wife's Journey, Too
Journey Into Manhood Could Change Your Life
Journey Into Manhood is designed especially for men who want to address incongruous same-sex attractions or distress over SSA. But our program is also appropriate for any man, regardless of his sexuality, who wants to address unresolved issues around men and masculinity in a safe, supportive yet challenging group environment.
Seven Men Share Their Experience
Seven Journey Into Manhood brothers reunited for a weekend of adventure and connection. In this video series, they share how their lives have changed in the years since their respective Journey Into Manhood experiences.
Getting Started
If you've decided for yourself to explore whether your same-sex attractions can become less eroticized — or at least more manageable or less distressing or intense — where do you start?
The core of this work we call "M.A.N.S. Work," for Masculinity, Authenticity, Needs Fulfillment, and Surrender. But it starts by loving and accepting yourself, getting support, learning from others on the road ahead of you, and then "doing your work."
Our Stories
Every man's story is unique. Not all of us have experienced a reduction in the intensity or lust of our same-sex attractions over time, although many have. More importantly, we are more at peace with who we are. We no longer live in shame. We now belong to a community of brothers walking a similar path. And our sexual ethics and values are now more aligned with our spiritual and personal values and life goals.