Online Coaching Groups
Journey Together is our weekly online coaching group for men who are working to come to peace with their same-sex attractions while living a life aligned with their core values, beliefs and life goals.
HeartPower is our weekly online coaching group of men supporting each other in living lust-free lives, especially by applying the Brothers Road “HeartPower” principles.
Online Experiences
Just As I Am
An Online Intensive for Men
15 hours (online) of intensive inner-healing and personal-growth work in one weekend — in collaboration with a supportive community of “brothers.”
I Am Enough
An Online Intensive for Women
15 hours (online) of intensive inner-healing and personal-growth work in one weekend — in collaboration with a supportive community of “sisters.”
Register for our upcoming webinar or listen to past webinars. You’ll find a variety of topics from well-known speakers.
Experiential Weekend Retreats

Journey Into Manhood is for any man who wants to address unresolved issues around men and masculinity in a safe, supportive yet challenging group environment.

Journey Continues is a follow-up weekend which creates opportunities for participants to continue to do challenging personal-growth work in a safe, supportive community.

A Woman Who Loves is a healing and personal-growth retreat primarily for women who are working through hurt, betrayal, fear, anger, and grief related to issues with the men in their lives.