Discover and Access Your Lover, Warrior, Magician, and King
Inner Wholeness
An 8-Week Interactive Webinar Series for Men
Sundays, November 17, 2024 to January 19, 2025
Discover and Access Your Masculine Archetypes Within:
Lover, Warrior, Magician, King
18+ hours of understanding, discovering, and accessing these four powerful masculine archetypes within you — in collaboration with a supportive community of “brothers.” The program will feature:
8 live sessions
- Real-time experience accessing each archetype
- Small-group sharing
One-on-one mentoring
Opportunities to further your connection to each archetype with a buddy.
Take-home materials for learning and application

Who is it for?

Inner Wholeness is an interactive webinar series presented by Sholom Rosenson and Elisha Klein (of Well of Being) for Brothers Road.
It’s an opportunity for you to get further acquainted with your inner archetypes — the INNER YOU at a depth you may never have known before.
This webinar series is appropriate for a diverse group of men, regardless of age, faith, race, nationality, or sexuality, as long as a man is sincere about exploring his inner world and becoming stronger, clearer, and more whole.
It’s an excellent follow-up to A New Man or Journey Into Manhood, and powerful preparation for further in-person exploration at Journey Continues or Journey Beyond.
Inner Wholeness is appropriate both for men who have extensive personal-growth-workshop experience and those who don’t. It is suitable for men who have already done work around their masculine archetypes and men who have never even heard of the concept before.
What are the masculine archetypes and how do they apply to me?
Based on the psychology of Carl Jung, the masculine psyche can be divided up into four major archetypes:
The Lover, Warrior, Magician, and King.
In order for a man to achieve mature masculine strength and energy, he must be in touch with all four.
All of us have access to each of these energies. The goal is to recognize them and access them in healthy ways and at the right times.

What is the schedule?
Sunday, Nov. 17, 2024
3:00 to 5:30pm
U.S. Eastern Time
Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024
3:00 to 4:30 or 5:00pm
U.S. Eastern Time
Sunday, Dec. 1, 2024
3:00 to 5:30pm
U.S. Eastern Time
Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024
3:00 to 4:30 or 5:00pm
U.S. Eastern Time
Sunday, Dec. 15, 2024
3:00 to 5:30pm
U.S. Eastern Time
Sunday, Dec. 29, 2024
3:00 to 4:30 or 5:00pm
U.S. Eastern Time
Sunday, Jan. 12, 2025
3:00 to 5:30pm
Eastern Time
Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025
3:00 to 4:30 or 5:00pm
Eastern Time
Cost and Registration
Registration Fee: US$350
Less than US$20 per workshop hour!
Deposit: US$50 holds your space
Pay deposit or full registration fee here
Make a follow-up payment here
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is invited to attend?
All men, age 21 and up, are welcome to participate who are ready to discover these masculine archetypes and explore how they can make a man more powerful, grounded, centered, and whole.
This program is NOT LIMITED to men who have previously attended Journey Into Manhood, nor to men who experience same-sex attractions.
Please invite friends, family and other men
you think would benefit!
This could be a great introduction for them to Brothers Road work.
Who are the program facilitators?
Sholom Rosenson and Elisha Klein each have more than a decade of experience facilitating deep, transformative self-exploration and empowerment through psychodrama, coaching, and other interactive processes. Both have served as senior facilitators at Brothers Road workshop intensives many times.
How many men will participate?
We need a minimum of 10 and we’ll cap participation at 20. Many times we’ll split into two smaller groups for even more participation.
How can intensive inner work be effective online?
With Inner Wholeness, we are bringing together our great depth of experience in creating and offering intensive in-person healing workshops along with years of experience facilitating weekly online coaching and support groups.
We think you’ll be surprised at how deep you can go with an online experience, both in your own internal work and in your personal connection with other men.
What if I don’t find the program or this format helpful?
As long as you give it a real chance — meaning, as long as you fully participate in at least three sessions — we will refund your full fee if you are not satisfied.
Can I just listen, or else participate in just part of the program?
No. Inner Wholeness is an interactive, participatory program that includes small-group and one-to-one participation. There are no casual observers or “lurkers.” If you are not ready to fully engage and stay focused throughout each webinar session, this is not the program (or the right time) for you.
Will there be “homework”?
Some, yes. You’ll be asked to experience each archetype, one at a time, in your everyday life between sessions, and be ready to share your experience during the next session.
What if I have another question?
Email Sholom at [email protected].