The Journey Continues
Discovering Your Inner King
The Journey Continues is our follow-up to Journey Into Manhood.
It is open to any man who previously completed the Journey Into Manhood experience who continues to work on:
- better aligning his sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with his faith, values, and life goals
- discovering what healthy sexuality is to him — and learning to live it
- addressing other still-unresolved issues, especially around men and masculinity.
Participants must be in integrity with their previous commitments to the Brothers Road community, or receive the express clearance of the Brothers Road director.
There are no other “prerequisites” nor any other approval process. Registration is first-come, first-registered.
Many men experience Journey Continues to be just as impactful as their original Journey Into Manhood experience — although it is intentionally not as intense or “advanced” as our more extensive Journey Beyond program.
Past JiM staff-volunteers and Journey Beyond participants are welcome to attend Journey Continues and likely to continue to do meaningful inner-healing and personal growth work.
Journey Continues creates opportunities for participants to do challenging personal-growth work in a safe, supportive community — especially work around:
The fee covers 20-25 program hours, 2 nights stay at the camp, and 6 meals. It does not include transportation.
Payment plans are available, on approval, for those who need additional time to pay. (Sorry, no sponsorships are available.)
US $350 deposit holds your space
Early Registration Fee: US $725
When you pay the full $725 by June 7, 2025.
Regular Registration Fee: US $875
When you pay any part after the early-registration deadline. Deadline: July 25, 2025.
- Understanding and breaking through some of the blocks that may be keeping you stuck
- Building self-acceptance and self-worth
- Understanding and incorporating the “energies” of four masculine archetypes — King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover — but especially the King
- Challenging and releasing harmful beliefs and thought patterns
- Increasing your desire and ability to live a more lust-free life
- Building community with the masculine
- Making peace with the feminine
- Living more of everyday life in the Golden Masculine state