About Us
We are an international, multi-faith, peer-support fellowship.
Mission & Vision
Brothers on a Road Less Traveled (“Brothers Road”) is international, diverse, multi-faith, and faith-affirming. We are peer-led, non-profit, and volunteer-based.
Our Mission
We are a faith-affirming fellowship whose primary mission is to offer brotherhood and peer support to men who seek to better align their sexual choices with their core values, faith, and life goals.
We especially support:
Our Vision
We envision a more compassionate world of mutual respect where all of us — whether we identify as gay, straight, bisexual, same-sex attracted, ex-gay or anything else — are free to choose our own identities and life paths and to live full lives in peace.
We envision a world in which all people who are dissatisfied with their sexual attractions are free to voluntarily explore ways to better align their sexual and romantic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with their own core values, beliefs, faith, and life goals without harassment, intimidation, ridicule or legal or other prohibitions.
—Robert Frost, 1916