Good & Valuable
Just As I AmAn Online Intensive for Men
Good & Valuable
Just As I Am
How would your life change if you really loved and accepted yourself just as you are?
Experiential processing
Inner-healing work
Multi-media visualizations
Deep connections with brothers
Facilitated work in small groups (“tribes”)
One-to-one sharing

In reality, self-acceptance is in fact the foundation for building a better, happier you. American psychologist Carl Rogers famously said, “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”
For that and other reasons, we teach at Journey Into Manhood that the most important takeaway of the entire event is, “You are good and valuable just as you are!”

- Your core values
- Your thoughts
- Your emotions (healing, fulfilling, and surrendering)
- Your behaviors
- Your relationships
You will explore:
- Meeting your Inner Critic. Transforming him into an ally.
- “Rewriting” hurtful life events and the “meaning” you give them to make yourself the hero of your own story.
- Identifying your core values and the importance of living them.
- Examining your thought life and thinking patterns.
- Re-examining rejection events using “emotional self-distancing.” “Rewriting” those experiences to change their meaning.
- Emerging from shame through transparency, humility, courage, support, and knowing you are not alone.
- Examining what is within your power to change and what isn’t. Becoming willing to accept and surrender things you cannot change.

Friday Evening
7:30pm – 10:30pm
U.S. Eastern Standard Time
7 workshop hours
(plus 2 lengthy breaks)
Start time: 11:00am
U.S. Eastern Standard Time
End time: 9:30pm
U.S. Eastern Standard Time
6 workshop hours
(plus 1 lengthy break)
Start time: 11:00am
U.S. Eastern Standard Time
End time: 7:00pm
U.S. Eastern Standard Time
Regular Registration Rate
Regular Registration Fee:
This equates roughly to just US$15 per workshop hour!
Deposit: US$75 holds your space
Sponsorship Rate
Sponsorship Rate: US$195
If you have lost your livelihood, are undergoing other financial hardships, or live in a country where the local currency is very low against the dollar, feel free to pay the Sponsorship Rate.
(If you still need additional financial assistance, send an email to [email protected].)
Deposit: US$75 holds your space
Benefactor Rate
Benefactor Rate:
By choosing the optional Benefactor Rate, you will cover the difference in cost of another man who wants to participate but can’t afford the full fee and needs to pay the Sponsorship Rate.
Thank you for your generosity!
Deposit: US$75 holds your space
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is invited to attend?
All men, age 21 and up, are welcome to participate as long as they are ready to take a courageous look deep inside themselves so they can begin removing whatever is blocking them from loving and accepting themselves as fully as they could.
This program is NOT LIMITED to men who have previously attended Journey Into Manhood, nor to men who experience same-sex attractions.
Please invite friends, family and other men
you think would benefit!
This could be a great introduction for them to Brothers Road work.
Who are the program facilitators?
The program will be facilitated by senior Brothers Road “staff” (volunteers) who have been facilitating Journey Into Manhood “guts work” (psychodrama) and other experiential processes for years.
I’ve already been to Journey Into Manhood or other Brothers Road programs. Will this be too basic for me, or repeat what I’ve already experienced?
Not likely. While we repeatedly emphasize the importance of self-acceptance and self-worth in other Brothers Road programs, this is 15 hours dedicated expressly to that work. This will allow you to go deeper on this particular work than you probably ever have before.
There may be some crossover to other work you’ve done elsewhere, but the Good & Valuable, Just As I Am processes and experiences are uniquely designed for this online intensive.
How can experiential healing work be effective online?
With Good & Valuable, Just As I Am, we are bringing together our great depth of experience in creating and offering intensive in-person healing workshops with our years of experience facilitating weekly coaching and support groups.
We think you’ll be surprised at how deep you can go with an online experience, both in your own internal work and in your personal connection with other men.
What if I don’t find the program or this format helpful?
As long as you give it a real chance — meaning, as long as you fully participate in at least half the program — we will gladly refund your full fee if you are not satisfied.
Can I just listen, or else participate in just part of the program?
No. Good & Valuable, Just As I Am is an experiential, participatory program. No casual observers or “lurkers.” If you are not ready to fully engage and stay focused throughout the entire webinar, this is not the program (or the right time) for you.
Why is it for men only?
In our experience, men are more likely to open up and be vulnerable and authentic outside the presence of women.
(We are exploring offering a separate but very similar companion program for women, however.)
Will there be advance prep work?
Some, yes. You’ll be pre-assigned to a small group (“tribe”) and will meet online with them in advance at least once. You’ll be asked to do a little reading, take an online assessment, and fill out some worksheets or questionnaires.
What if I have another question?
Email, text, or call Rich Wyler at [email protected] or 1-434-227-9346.