About Us
Who We Are
Brothers on a Road Less Traveled (“Brothers Road”) is a non-profit, multi-faith, international fellowship primarily of men from bisexual or same-sex-attracted backgrounds who — for our own, deeply personal reasons — typically do not accept or identify with the label “gay” and prefer instead to explore and address underlying issues and embrace our authentic masculinity.
We are a peer-led, volunteer-based, faith-affirming community that respects the inherent and equal worth, dignity, equal rights, and free will of every human being, regardless of their sexuality or how they may choose to express or address it in their own lives.
Our community includes Catholics, Evangelicals and other Protestants, Latter-day Saints, Eastern Orthodox, and other Christians (including non-denominational Christians). We are Jews (including Orthodox Jews), Muslims, and men of other faiths. Some of us are agnostic or just not religious.
We live in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and elsewhere in the Americas. We live in the United Kingdom and continental Europe, Israel and other parts of the Middle East. We live in Australia and parts of Asia.
Our community includes businessmen and entrepreneurs, doctors and other medical professionals, lawyers, artists, pastors, school teachers, college students, college professors, engineers, and many others.
We range in age from early 20s into our 70s. About a third to almost half of us are married to women and have children. But most of us are single.
More than anything else, we are a diverse but united brotherhood of men who seek and find peace in placing our personal values and beliefs above our sexual urges or sexual expression.
Our Journey
Many people painfully deny, suppress, and hide their attractions for years. Others adopt a gay identity and pursue same-sex partnerships and hook-ups. Some find satisfaction in that, others only more turmoil.
Brothers Road offers a third path — neither suppressing nor expressing our same-sex attractions, but exploring and fulfilling our needs for same-sex affection and brotherhood in platonic and affirming ways.
This is the “road less traveled” we choose for ourselves. We support each other in exploring and addressing underlying issues that may be at the root of some of our inner-conflicts around our sexuality, faith, masculinity, and self-esteem.
The core of this journey we call “M.A.N.S. Work.” The acronym stands for Masculinity, Authenticity, Needs Fulfillment and Surrender — four areas of inner healing and personal growth that can potentially bring any man closer to becoming his best self and living his most fulfilled life.
Our Success
We pursue courageous personal-growth work and a personal spiritual and emotional journey in a supportive community of like-minded brothers.
And as a result:

Who We Are Not
You may have read or heard some falsehoods and gross mischaracterizations about who we are, our beliefs and values. Here’s what you need to know:
‘Two Roads Diverged’
Different Paths for Different People
Yes, we represent a significant alternative to gay-affirming identities and lifestyles. That is our choice. It is our right to pursue happiness as we see fit, especially when it involves something as personal as our sexuality, our faith, our emotions and our relationships.
Yet we respect the right of others to pursue different paths to peace. We believe in civil discourse and in mutual respect, even — and especially — when we disagree.
Read more:
—Robert Frost, 1916