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Book Group for Men

Book Group:

Living the M.A.N.S. Principles

Biweekly Zoom Meetings

Wednesdays @ 9:00 pm US Eastern Time

Starting July 20, 2022

A Bigger World Yet: Faith, Brotherhood, and Same-Sex Needs

By Tim Timmerman

Brothers Road is about experiencing healthy male friendships and community while growing in understanding of our own sexuality and values. One great way to do that — both for newcomers to Brothers Road and men who have done a lot of inner work already — is through our peer-led book study held biweekly on Zoom.

Our new book study begins Wednesday, July 20, at 9:00 pm U.S. Eastern time. We’ll be reading together the powerful, insightful book by Tim Timmerman called A Bigger World Yet: Faith, Brotherhood, & Same-Sex Needs. The book consists of 9 chapters, and we study and share our experiences with one chapter biweekly.

Join us in the book study by completing the form below.

Current Book

A Bigger World Yet is a daring and heartfelt book about his and other men’s struggles that come from sexualizing their own gender — and about the healing balm of radically vulnerable friendships and unconditional love.

Tim describes his book as being about “an ache and a longing in our culture for friendship and brotherhood. It is a book about hungers of the heart. It’s about boys who needed connections to loving men and friends growing up, but instead received abuse and absence. This book is one man’s spiritual odyssey.”

Check out a summary (slides) of our May 2020 interview with Tim Timmerman on our webinar page.

Buy the book at and start reading now.

Looking Ahead

Looking ahead, we anticipate studying books like:

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have a book suggestion.


We charge a small administrative fee of $20 for participation in each book group series. (In other words, $20 to participate with us in studying all chapters of A Bigger World Yet, regardless of how many sessions you attend.)

Of course, larger donations are always appreciated!

We hope you’ll join us each time we meet, but you don’t need to make a commitment. Just join us as often as you can — and even if you haven’t read the chapter yet.

Register now!